I’m Good with Being a Toe

Intercession has become a large part of my life. A few years ago, I would have been afraid of“the intercessor type”. Those are weird people. Depressed people. Serious people. I have had enough seriousness and depression to fill a lake. This was not what I was looking for. But a couple of years ago, a friend gave me the tug, asking me to join in a group meeting at her house to pray for the church leadership. I love her, so I said yes. I had no idea what I was saying… Read More

A Gate

Quiet as a whisper and light as a feather she runs across leaves, bigger than she, darting from tree to tree. Little puffs of glowing particles flare and fade behind her leaving a temporary effervescent trail. Laughter bubbles up from the Little One tinkling like a tiny wind chime. Bare feet leave the tiniest imprint on the soft dark earth. The light of early morning is soft on her cheeks as she pauses to bask in the warmth. The Good One can always be found in sunlight because He is light. Conscious… Read More

Lemon Custard Pie

I am craving lemon custard pie with a big dollop of whipped cream, to the point that I can smell it and taste it melting in my mouth. No, I’m not pregnant.  Isn’t that the question everyone wants to ask when you crave something weird? We began this summer with a trip unlike any we had every taken before. A trip with two other families from church and a week long vacation to the beach… both firsts. Going into it, I was a little nervous. These are friends who I’m very familiar… Read More

Carolyn “Charismata” Weaver

Hi. I’m Carolyn “Charismata” Weaver. The nickname “Charismata” came from an encounter with Jesus where I asked Him what He called me in heaven. He often calls us things that we can’t even believe for at the time. That was the case for me. The name means “power of His glory”. At the time He first called me that, I was probably at my weakest ever; struggling through an intense inner healing process. It was in those valleys of Him healing my deepest wounds, from childhood abuse, that I came to hear His voice clearly and see Him in the spirit.
I’m also married to an amazingly patient and handsome man who keeps me grounded, have three beautiful girls who I homeschool. I serve with SC Aglow, write blogs, and enjoy sharing the creative process with others, helping them connect with God and bring healing, especially to fellow abuse survivors.

The Gathering

A hush falls with an iridescent mist Soft yellow light can be seen in the distance Mesmerized I stand A hum of anticipation rolls over me Hum turns to a thrum in my veins – hot and tingly I close my eyes, taking in an intoxicating scent, perhaps vanilla mixed with rain I allow all my senses to soak this in I feel a soft beat in the soles of my feet Thump……..Thump…….. Thump…….. The beat is in perfect time with the breathless anticipation I feel Opening my eyes I take in… Read More