I Am

Some years ago the Lord suddenly presented me with an image that helps me understand how He sees time.  He showed me Himself (as a bottle of water) wrapped in a double helix, with one strand representing past and the other representing future.  He is in the center and touches on all points along the line at once.  Every moment, which to us represents past, present and future, is to Him – now.  Right now.  He is “I Am”.

Time - I Am

When the Lord shows you something like this it can seem random.  But, of course, He does not give information for information’s sake.  There was something else He wanted me to understand.

In my ministry, I work with people who need healing of one kind or another.  Often, before they come to me, something has not been working and they have tried all the things that are supposed to make life work, but it hasn’t helped.  Or it helped for a little while, but then, as if they had been running around a track, they are in very familiar territory again.

As I listen to them, often there is a pattern to their experience.  With the help of Holy Spirit, I am allowed to ask the right questions that shed light on the root issue.  The issue is the thing that has been there, sometimes, for many years, but has been pushed down, tied up, gagged and made to be still for a little while.  But, in truth, it has not been very obedient.  It has squirmed and shouted out in anger, antagonized and pushed its head back up, seeking attention; only to be squished back into a room that is a little more rumpled than the last time.

Around the track they ran again, hoping the feelings of fear, sadness, shame or anger would stay hidden this time.  “Time heals all wounds.” they were told. But the persistent thought would find a way out in the wee hours, in “random” memories, in fragments or in crystal clear HD home theater screen images as if they were right back there again and again.

Often something happened when they were children, as teenagers or even young adults that wounded them and made them believe a lie about themselves or about relationships or about God or all 3!  It doesn’t have to look like a big thing to other people.  It just had to mark them and stick with them and be ruminated over without resolution.  A subtle lie can be the most successful lie of all because it has some truth and you miss the point at which it goes off course and believe the whole thing.

When a wound is ignored, it tends to get infected.  If it gets infected, there can be even worse consequences.

Like the lepers of ancient times who were robbed of their senses, we learn not to feel the pain.  But pain is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.  The dead feel no pain. Pain is a sign of life.  Life allows for healing.

Years before this, as I shared in a recent blog, the Lord showed me His heart toward people.  He let me understand that He has full knowledge of their life, their hearts and all the moments and circumstances that have made them the way they are. He loves each one and is full of mercy.

It pains Him when our feelings are hurt.  He cries with us when injustice occurs in our lives because of the free will of others.  His heart is wrenched when our innocence is stolen and our self-worth is shattered.  He hates to see His children confused, broken, believing lies that keep their hearts closed off. He shares in your wound and longs for you to bring it to Him, let Him look at it with you, let Him show you the truth.


For the Lord, the time of your wounding is right now.  He is living in that moment with you and He longs to pull you close, kiss your tears and comfort you right in that moment.  But we have to let Him.

Go there with Him.  He is waiting for you.  To replace the lie with the truth.  To show you what He wanted for you instead.  It can happen in a moment.  When He goes to the root of the matter, it doesn’t take years.  Everything can change in a moment!  He wants you to have that NOW!

When that memory comes up again.  Or, when you feel His gentle but persistent prodding about something that feels important but doesn’t make sense to you – that is the time to take it to Him.  Pour out your heart, He wants you to share it with Him.  You don’t have to be careful about your words.  Just be real with Him.  He already knows.

Now is the time that He wants to show you the truth so that the Truth can set you free!

He made you to live in wholeness of heart.  Not to keep your beauty hidden away behind numbness. He loves the heart He gave you. He loves your unique personality, voice, laugh… To be able to express the fullness of you, you must be free and you must receive your healing from The Healer.  Receive it now. Run in to His arms now.

Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise Jeremiah 17:14 NIV


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