Reality – 4 of 4

When I gaze into Jesus’ eyes I become like HIM.

Just like Jesus chose to die to Himself for us, Katy’s death also caused me to have to die to my desires and my way.

Biblical Principle: What I gaze upon I become.

This is very important for us in a time when everything in the media is trying to convince you to be afraid.

Do you know the story of Jacob and the spotted & speckled sheep?  After years of being cheated of his wages by his shifty father-in-law (FIL), Jacob cuts a deal that he gets to keep any livestock that are speckled or spotted, while his FIL gets to keep the more prevalent solid colored animals.

Inspired by Holy Spirit, as soon as Jacob noticed the stronger animals coming into heat, he cut streaks in the bark of some branches and threw them in the water where the animals had to go to drink.  They gazed upon the branches, then mated and produced speckled and spotted offspring. (Genesis 30:25-43)

Here is the same principle illustrated in New Testament, 2 Corinthians, 3:18 (NASB);

“But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”

Just so, gazing at Jesus makes me more like Him and we will produce fruit like the one we gaze upon.

Reality is in the Spirit

Have you ever been awake all night and afraid and thinking through all the problems, and what are you gonna do about it, and how to handle it, and just being in complete and utter fear and not able to sleep because of what might happen the next day or the next day…those are all in your imagination. They are not actually happening.  But the fear, the dread, the knot in your stomach, the feeling like you need to run to the bathroom is all very real to you.  

If someone else walked in the room, they won’t see any of those things happening.  They don’t see the thing that you’re dreading.  But for you it’s incredibly real because you imagined it.  You spent time in your imagination putting time and effort into making it real.  And if we spend a lot of time there we can make it become real.

Which is why the Lord says to spend our time thinking about things that are noble, and good and beautiful.  (Philippians 4:8)  Think about things that bring life, not things that lead to fear and death.

When Jesus was in the garden, spending time with the Father right before He was going to be betrayed and crucified, he was having a spiritual experience that was so real. He could not understand how the apostles could fall asleep when He was literally going though the most difficult time in His life. The worst time of His life, the hardest time of His life.  Because for Him, it was real.  

He was seeing in the spirit what was going to happen to Him.  Struggling through it with the Father and it was REAL.  It was as real as if it had already happened.  

So much so that He actually sweat blood.  Which is a medical condition that happens when you have been under so much stress that your body literally breaks all of the capillaries through the stress and blood pressure issues – the blood breaks through when suddenly, the stress is relieved.   

Did you hear that – MEDICALLY – the blood breaks through when the stress is released.  In other words, Jesus broke through to peace in His prayer.  He was able to bring himself to TRUST his Father so much, that he quieted himself to peace again.

But right before that, he was in a moment of anguish while the apostles were asleep.  He couldn’t imaging how they could be sleeping because in His spirit, He was in a very real battle; but they were spiritually unaware of what was happening.  

If you are a Christian you are supposed to live according to your spirit.  In fact,  the Bible says this about you:

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children.”

The spirit world is where we need to gain our muscles.  We spend a lot of time making our brain strong. We have put a lot of information into our brain, but we haven’t put a lot into our spirit, which is where the Lord says that we need to focus.  Where He says that we need to grow muscles because that is the world where REAL is. Paul gives us one way to do that in 1 Corinthians 14:4.

So we need to learn to spend time with the Father in that REAL place, like Jesus did, so that whatever we walk through in the day that appears to be real, actually becomes much less real to us than where we are with Him throughout the day.

Remember Jesus said if you have SEEN Him, then you have SEEN the Father.  Jesus spent time gazing upon the Father and He is His exact representation to the world.  And that is what we are to be to the world too.

I want to encourage you; every day from now on, take some quiet time, get by yourself and sit with Jesus.  Just the two of you, pressing your foreheads together.  Enjoy the warmth of His skin against yours.  The fragrance of His life giving breath on your skin.  Allow Him to love you, to carry you, to speak truth to you. It is the most important time you can ever spend.  Your whole life depends on it.  All your realities will be birthed there.

Please check out this video- it will help you understand where I’m going next.

The Blessing Video

I wanted you to see the video of our family all over the world sharing in The Blessing. 

They are singing it in all the different languages and flavors and styles all over the world.

I believe in this season, many of you have been healed.  And, others of you are feeling the gentle prodding of Holy Spirit pointing to some things in you that He wants to heal.

We all need some more healing.  But if you are a follower of Christ Jesus, I believe every one of you has been set free in some way.  AND NOW, in all of the different expressions there are among us; all the beautiful and different flavors, life experiences, hair styles, laughs, skin tones, and languages, you are now set free TO SET OTHERS FREE!

My little daughter could not speak.  She couldn’t help herself eat or many other things that most of you take for granted.  But she could bless.  I can bless and YOU can bless.  You are so powerful if you KNOW JUST ONE THING: You are the Beloved of the Father because of Christ Jesus!

The word says, “Freely you have received, now freely give!!!” 

The ONLY thing you need is enough LOVE for that other person that you are willing to share your testimony; the story of your healing, your deliverance, your personal coming into the arms of the Father and receiving your freedom!

Share it your way.  In your flavor.  If you’re spicy, share it spicy.  If you’re funny share it funny.  If you’re quiet and tenderhearted – PLEASE, share it that way.   If you are silent – then share it powerfully in your silence like my Katy did.

Practice this truth to yourself, about yourself – That you are the Beloved of God! And because you are, you can help the rest of the “family” to know it too.

Let me bless you:

The Lord bless you with His Presence and provide for all your physical and emotional needs.  The Lord make His face shine upon you, resting his forehead against yours so that you see His great love for you and His joy in you, shining in His eyes. The Lord turn His face toward you until you see and understand that He is Creator, He is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.  And yet, His great power is for you. Until you marvel at how His peace crushes the head of the enemy so you can be unshakeable as you live in His peace.  May the lightenings of His love, received in the secret place, empower you to trust Him with all of you forever. Amen.

Featured image: © <a href=’’>virtosmedia</a&gt;, <a href=’’>123RF Free Images</a>

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